Family Counseling
Our families can be our closest relationships and also the relationships that bring about the most conflict and misunderstanding.

Family Counseling is for any dynamic of familial relationships where two or more family members are having difficulty with communication, conflict and arguments, managing stressors, or understanding each other's perspectives or differences.

During Family Counseling, we will work together, using Emotionally Focused Therapy, to understand the perspective and experience of each family member.
We will identify and work towards the goals you and your family would like to address in counseling, and we will learn skills to:
de-escalate situations
manage conflict
make effective repairs
establish healthy patterns of communication
gain a positive regard toward others
Having a trained therapist teach skills and facilitate the hard conversations and issues can help move your family into a more peaceful place.
This could include:
A nuclear family with children
An extended family relationships
A single parent family
Any other familial combination

Family Therapy is available for In person and Online Therapy. Certain dynamics may be exempt from online therapy based on the age and number of people in the family system. Please reach out to see which fit is best for your family.